55 yr old male with chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

Chief complaints

55yr old male farmer by occupation came to medicine opd with the chief complaints of

- Decreased urine output since 15 days 
- bilateral pedal oedema since 1 month 
- Irregular bowel ( constipation) since 15 days

History of present illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 years ago then developed  renal disease which was diagnosed with loin pain , after then he went to hospital and dianosed as renal disease which progressed even after medication 
After that due to failing of kidney he had undergone for dialysis in 2016 ( 6 yrs ago) .

Daily Routine : 

Wakes up at 5am and goes to field.

Comes home at 8am and has rice for breakfast. Returns to work at 9am.

1pm - lunch

2-6 pm - work

6pm - home

8pm - dinner

past history 

no history of diabetes mellitus,  
history of hypertension since 4 years
no history of palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath 
no history of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and orthopnea
history of dialysis from 2016 
history of low-grade fever on medication 


  • Diet - mixed
  • Appetite- normal
  • Sleep - disturbed
  • Bowel - irregular (constipation) since 15 days
  • Bladder - oliguria since 15 days , no burning micturition, feeling of incomplete voiding. 
  • Allergies- none
  • Addictions- regular alcolic (70ml a day)


Not significant 


Patient is conscious, coherent and co-operative.

Examined in a well lit room.

Moderately built and nourished

Icterus - absent

Pedal edema - present - bilateral pitting type

   No pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphoedenopathy.               

Vitals : 

Temperature- afebrile

Respiratory rate - 16cpm

Pulse rate - 101 bpm

BP - 120/80 mm Hg.


CVS : S1 S2 heard, no murmurs

Respiratory system : normal vesicular breath sounds heard.

Abdominal examination: 


      Shape of abdomen- scaphoid

no tender

no palpable mass

hernial orifices - normal 

free fluid - no

bruits - yes

  • Umblicus - normal 
  • Movements of abdominal wall - moves with respiration
  • No scars, sinuses, distended veins, striae.


Local rise of temperature present.

Tenderness present - not present 

Rigidity absent 

Fluid thrill negative

Liver not palpable 

Spleen not palpable 

Kidneys not palpable 

Lymph nodes not palpable 



Speech normal

No signs of meningeal irritation 

Cranial nerves: normal

Sensory system: normal

Motor system: normal

Reflexes:      Right.           Left. 

Biceps.         ++.                 ++

Triceps.         ++.                 ++

Supinator      ++.                  ++

Knee.              ++.                 ++

Ankle              ++.                  ++

Gait: normal



HIV - negative 

HCV - negative 

HBsAg - negative 


Chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis


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